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From Nov 29, 1996 to Mar 28, 1997, visitors to Bagism had the opportunity to write a letter to Yoko Ono asking that she reconsider the decision by her laywers to shut down my former John Lennon site. The first three pages of these letters were mailed to Yoko Ono but I never received a reply.
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(please note that new letters are no longer being accepted)Dec 19, 1996
jack (jack30@cyberzone-inc.com)
Comments: Dear Yoko Ono, I have for many years been deeply inspired by you, and by your late husband John, and by the work you two did together. You and he were (and still are) great artists. I saw you as peace clowns, great warriors who stood up to the world and said, "Look man, PEACE!" That was so wonderful, so beautiful, and so correct and true. We need more like that in the world. We dreamers must still stand for peace. I am of a younger generation, I'm 30 now. But I still was influenced deeply by you and John in my teens in the late seventies and eighties and now. I have "Two Virgins" on tape and I listen to it a lot. I love it! I love all the music you two made together, "Remember Love", and "Give Peace a Chance", and I'm sure there's a lot I haven't had access to that I would love to hear.I will always respect both of you. I haven't seen these web pages in question, but on the question of the internet, I think you should allow free access to information about You and John, with a disclaimer that it is not allowed to be copied and sold. It is free advertising for you. People still need to go to the store to buy the music. But most importantly it allows your and John's message to still stand and grow and flower in the electronic age. Let your words and images and history multiply here. let all the web sites who want to to support you and pay homage to you. But whatever your wishes are in respects to your information, they should be respected. All the best to you, Yoko. You are a Godess. Peace and Love --jack jack30@cyberzone-inc.com
Dec 19, 1996
Jade from Antartica
Comments: John was a champ, he kicked arse. See ya, the toilet is freezing up, I've gotta go.
Dec 19, 1996
grant from Sydney Australia
Comments: Hey, Come on. Information is what it is all about!. I am not going to throw back your words and John's words back at you. But the commercial side (while important) will not wither with the provision of some artwork and lyrics here on a page to foster the good you have both tried to achieve. Let it go. Grant
Dec 19, 1996
Lunar from Where night is only
Comments: Yoko, Sam's site really was the best. I was really annoyed when I heard today it was being shut down. It was one of the best John Lennon sites on the internet by far. I hope Bagism is just as successful and popular.
Dec 19, 1996
Alison from Down Under
Comments: Dearest Yoko, John's legacy needs to be carried out, and Sam's site was doing exactly that. I was bloody annoyed when those lawyers wanted it all shut down, when it really kicked arse. Anyway, John was a champion, and Sam's site really showed that. All the best to Bagism.
Dec 19, 1996
S. A. H. from Aussieland
Comments: Yoko, Please don't keep any of this from the rest of the world. We all love John, and we all want to remember him in love. All the site was doing was keeping the spirit of a genious alive. I hope you and Sean have a Happy Christmas together.
Dec 19, 1996
The Walrus from Wherever
Comments: Let It Be, Yoko
Dec 19, 1996
Wayne Crouse (crouse@agt.net) from Peace River, Alberta, Canada
Comments: Dear Yoko: The material on Sam's web page was part of a moving tribute to John. These things should be left for all the world to see - especially the young people just learning about John and the important things he stood for. The Internet contributes to the cultural education of mankind. John Lennon must be included. Wayne Crouse
Dec 19, 1996
Chris from Isle Of Wight
Comments: Yes
Dec 19, 1996
Comments: Dear Yoko, So many people have enjoyed JOHN LENNONS work it's amazing, and I don't belive that you would try to stop people from more of that enjoyment. THE SUN IS UP, THE SKY IS BLUE, IT'S BEAUTIFUL AND SO WAS HE. So LET IT BE
Dec 19, 1996
George Rothe (grothe@cmp.com) from Manhasset, NY USA
Comments: Dear Yoko Ono, Hopefully you have taken a look at some of the many notes which have poured in to support Sam's 'John Lennon Page' and by now you realize the importance of his website for keeping John's memory alive. If altruism is not your bag you (and your legal staff) may want to consider some other factors: -Sam's 'sound samples' reduces the threat of bootleggers by making the sounds available for free. As the population of the internet grows the threat diminishes. (The Grateful Dead, as I'm sure you are aware, have been using similar tactics for years) -Sam's site could be used for marketing purposes. I don't mean simple 'banner advertising'. Your staff could work with Sam to survey fans, market new products, get feedback. If your legal staff saw fit to shut Sam down due to infringement of the artist's rights, you may want to consider the moment an artist's work becomes public domain. Is it when the performance is made? Or, when it is heard? Is it never? Keeping John Lennon's work hidden is ludicrous. This activity is senseless and costly. Let Sam have his site! Offer your assistance! I think you're missing a golden opportunity which will prove to be much bigger than protecting a handful of poorly recorded songs.
Dec 19, 1996
Comments: YOKO, can you IMAGINEwhat thr world would be without JOHN LENNON
Dec 19, 1996
Bob Hardy (bobh@hal.com) from Campbell, CA, USA
Comments: Hello, Yoko! I may have written you a long, long time ago, but never got a response. I'm writing now, partly to say what I wanted to say then, and partly to suggest that a happy agreement could and should be reached regarding the now-"suspended" John Lennon website. Firstly, the earlier business. I know you've taken a tremendous amount of abuse over the years, from the time you and John were first associated in the public's mind. I regret that, since you were able to give John something very important that most of us were powerless to give him, however much we might have wished to. You were able to give him a partnership that was obviously one of the biggest things to ever happen in his life, and for that I would like to say a HUGE thank you. This is not all based on supposition, either - a mutual friend, Bruce Gary, visited me shortly after working on an album with you in the early '80s, and he was TERRIBLY impressed with you personally. Since that makes you the friend of ANOTHER friend, you must be my friend, too. It seems that you've just been incredibly misunderstood from the beginning, at least in the western world. Secondly, I think that it's proper that John's legacy not be misused or cheapened, but I don't think that's what having a John Lennon website is all about. In fact, it's a service being done without charge! Certainly it's appropriate for you to be concerned and interested, perhaps even personally involved! But you don't seem to understand what a "good turn" Sam has been doing John, his memory and his legacy. I'm sure Sam would be more than happy to discuss it with you, on "friendly ground"! And don't let those lawyers run your life - that doesn't sound like the kind of spirited individualism I've come to expect from you. (Hey, I even have the Wedding Album, and not many people even remember that! And it was FULL of that spirit, even then.) I think that if you were to become PERSONALLY involved, you'd see how benign and even beneficial the Bagism web page could be. It could help advance the goals you were seeking all those years ago, and at a very low cost to you - FREE, in fact! Whatever you do about the website, thanks for bringing so much to John's life, as he told us over and over that you had done. I'm sorry for all the misguided enmity that has been pointed at you wrongly for such a long time. I apologize for those who haven't the good sense and courtesy to do so themselves. Sincerely, Bob Hardy bobh@hal.com
Dec 19, 1996
Jan H. (snowleaves@aol.com) from Galveston, TX
Comments: This page was the one I recommended to *everyone* and the page where i downloaded the *original* Real Love, that reduced me to tears; the page where people could finally hear "I Sat Belonely" in its entirety spoken by John, and the page where we could hear John helping Sean learn "With a Little Help from My Friends." I don't see how it could possibly have hurt John or Yoko or John's estate; it only helped further our appreciation of him. The tape of him singing Real Love alone at the piano should be immortalized. I'm really sorry that the Univ. of Mo decided to shut down the whole page, and I hope that somehow Yoko understands that there was *no* disrespect intended; it only gave us great pleasure and more understanding.
Dec 19, 1996
Joshua Yeidel (cousins@moscow.com) from Viola, Idaho, USA
Comments: I think Sam Choukri's efforts are in the spirit of the work you and John began nearly 30 years ago. There must be some way to permit Sam to use what he needs without endagering your legitimate rights. If you have the power, please help him to make the best Bagism site possible. Thank you. With Love, Joshua Yeidel
Dec 19, 1996
Chris Koepf from Half Moon Bay, California , U.S.A
Comments: I think the websight was great... I really like beatles music...John Lennon was rad!!!! The Beatles are my favorite band. They shouldn't, or shouldn't of shut down the websight. It's coolll!
Dec 19, 1996
Sara-Jayne from London England
Comments: John is my hero. Please don't take him from the rest of the world. We never had the chance you did, so please, share him with us. May John Rest in Peace. Have a great Christmas.
Dec 19, 1996
Sadie from Australia
Comments: Maybe you think we're being unfair Yoko-but we are all here together wandering why this is happening. I think we need to be told. We need to understand, becuase maybe this is a waist of our time.
Dec 19, 1996
Chris Koepf(again) from town-El Granada next to Half Moon bay in San Mateo County right next to San Francisco, California-U.S.A , North America, abouve South America------Earth
Comments: I would really like to be able to read about John Lennon more. This web page was exellent. This sight was in memory of John. What ever happened to your kind and peacefull nature! I think Sam did an excellent job with this. There is nothing bad with this web sight. It's great. All I'm trying to say is LET IT BE!!!!!! Please take this into consideration, Chris Koepf
Dec 19, 1996
Garry Hillel from Scotland
Comments: I'm way over the other side of the country, and all I have to say is to Sadie in Australia, is I agree completely. Anyone else????
Dec 19, 1996
Diana Calderon from San Juan, Puerto Rico
Comments: Mrs. Ono, try to understand how many people were upset about the removal of John's web page. I may only be 14 years old, but thanks to all the contributions you have made to "revive" The Beatles, I have learned to appreciate his music a great deal. Personally, I LIVE for the Beatles and John Lennon, and was really grateful when a John Lennon web page opened up. Please don't deprive me and everybody else that has written letters to you from wanting to learn more about a memorable and truly incredible man. Sincerely, Diana Calderon.
Dec 19, 1996
Meg from Pennsylvania
Comments: Dear Yoko, This web page was not doing any harm whatsoever, and I rather enjoyed learning more about Mr. Lennon, and also getting lyrics to his songs. Please at least take a look at the page and then decide if you want it shut down. His memory lives on because of these things. Thank you, Meg
Dec 19, 1996
Sarah from Planet Earth
Comments: Life can be a bastard, but there's always John.
Dec 19, 1996
Sadie from Australia
Comments: Just agreeing with everything Chris said from Isle of Wight, and thanking Garry Hillel in Scotland. Love, Sadie in Australia
Dec 20, 1996
susan (raziel@ix.netcom.com)
Comments: YES YES YES YES YES YES YES lighten up, or better yet awaken
Dec 20, 1996
Andrew Russell (awruss@aol.com) from floral park, new york
Comments: Hi Yoko, As a huge fan of John lennon as both a Beatle and a Solo performer, I often would access Sam Choukri's John Lennon website to reminisce. Sam's website was not a "Copy-write" infringement, but rather the greatest TRIBUTE imaginable. The website allowed fans to view John's Art - music and sketches and many other wonderful things that made John one of the Greatest Artists of our time - and all-time. Its things like this that just proves that everything is about money, and lawyers - all we fans want to do is have a place like sam's website to pay our respects - and have a little fun. Y'know, its like Baseball, its not about the game anymore its about money. Please let us (the fans) have "our" website back - I don't know if you ever saw it - but it was really really a wonderful tribute - and - as a matter of fact, I sat with my litle sister and I showed her the website, and I turned her on to John (my sister is now 13 years old) and I just purchased the John lennon and the Plastic Ono band album for her. Losing this website reminded me of the mike douglass week- long co-host appearance you and john made - where you took a cup, broke it, and glued it back together over a week. You see, deleting this website is like breaking the glass, but not ever repairing it. Best regards, Andrew Russell AWRuss@aol.com
Dec 20, 1996
jean-christophe BAZIN from Lyon, France
Comments: hello, yoko. My name is Jean-Christophe and i live in Lyon (France), and i wish you a happy christmas and happy new year. God bless you.
Dec 20, 1996
Lovely Rita (jvaneck@remc12.k12.mi.us) from Michigan/United States
Comments: Dear Yoko, If John were still alive (and he is in the millions of fans' hearts), how do you think he would react to this web site? I think he'd be flattered and support it, just like I'm sure he would to any other web site that's being shut down by lawyers because of 'copyright infringement.' Just take these valuable words to heart: 'All you need is love.' That doesn't just apply to the 60's and 70's, it applies to everyone and everything. Take a sad song and make it better. Love, Sarah P.S. Good luck to you and Sean.
Dec 20, 1996
Cristiano Orlandi (corlandi@imar.net) from ITALY
Comments: Yoko, Remember Love.... Peace & Love from Cristiano
Dec 20, 1996
Shell a.k.a. Laura from Hicksville,LI
Comments: Dear Yoko, You may have gotten a previous letter from me. I've written before concerning this web-page. I still believe that you must do what you feel is right, however why would you want to close down a web-page of someone who wants to keep John Lennon's memory alive? He has left such an impact on so many people. I am 16 years old, I play the guitar and keyboard and I love to sing. As a lover of music and peace, I think it would be a shame to let John be forgotten. He is a legend. Yoko, remember love, rermember peace, but most of all...remember John. Love, Laura a.k.a Shell
Dec 20, 1996
Marilyn (eyesleak@voyageronline.net) from Cleveland, TN USA
Comments: Dear Yoko: I truly love you and John. I've been a fan of the Beatle's since I was 5 years old and I saw them on the Ed Sullivan Show. John has always been my favorite and I still listen to his music. The John Lennon page was one of my favorite web pages and it was a tribute to John's memory. I was really sad and disappointed when it was taken off. I hope you will allow John to be shared with the world again. Thankyou Yoko for reading this, and I hope to see Sean out there following in his father's footsteps. Love, Marilyn (from Tennessee)
Dec 20, 1996
Dave from London, England
Comments: Dear Yoko, happy christmas, please change your mind about sam`s site. ps.I was born two years after John`s death but I still love his music and his wish for worldwide peace and love
Dec 20, 1996
Jasmine Armour from Potomac,MD USA
Comments: Yoko, I have so much respect for what for what you and John did in the sixties. I have been a great admirer of you and John for a long time now,and I think a website in his honor would be fantastic! I would imagine you of all people would most appreciate this website, I know I would. It is such a wonderful way to promote Bagism in its purest form. I was not alive in the sixties, and I think this website would be a good way for my generation to learn all about John's wonderful ideas for the world and the way it should be.
Dec 20, 1996
Brian You-Know-My-Name (Look.up.my.Number@liverpool.com) from Muncie, IN USA
Comments: Hi Yoko, or whoever is reading this far into the comments. Like everyone else here, I love John and his music. What strikes me though, as I read about the shutdown of John's tribute page, is the age of most of the letter writers. Kinda gives me renewed faith in the younger generation. :) I'm 36. I'm lucky in that regard, I grew up hearing Beatles music, and I have never stopped listening to it. By the way, the Anthology albums are incredible. I love listening to them and hey, I can't even wear out the CDs like I did so many old albums! Yoko, you obviously are being ripped off by your lawyers. Shuting down Sam's page is a mistake, and definitely bad Karma!
Dec 20, 1996
Prudence (does anyone here remember me from the summer?) aka Ursula Rozum (prudy@hotmail.com) from Syarcuse Ny USA
Comments: Dearest Yoko, I hope you willanswer our pleas that we have sent out. Sam worked hard on this page. He wanted to have his page be basically a utopia where people can meet and share John Lennon's legacy. I am only 12 years old, but Johns work has ind=spired me in art, poetry and all aspects of life. I feel he was a visionary far ahead of his time. I wrote a poem about him: ................................. Gone vanished, faded away .............................. In a flash he's gone, nothing left to say. ............................ Tears flow from my eyes, ............................ Sorrow fills my heart, .......................... I feel like my souls been torn apart. ............................... Hear his words in the night, ............................ See his face in my dreams, ....................... His words tuaght us , ................... Nothing is real, Noting is as it seems. ..................... He touched many hearts, ......................... He brought peace to the world..., ..................... . In all ears, ..............................His words were heard, ................................. His soul will live on, as it has for many years. ......................... His voice, singing his songs, ............................. still ringing in my ears ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... Yoko, please take into consideration how we all feel. Please take back your attack dogs. Pleaselet us keep our sanctuary. Love and peace, Ursula Rozum
Dec 20, 1996
Joe Christiano (JJCGuitar@AOL.COm) from Springfield, PA, USA
Comments: Dear Yoko: In 1972, you and John were on a TV show where you phoned someone and said "I love you", with the hope that they would pass it on. The Web site dedicated to John's memory was, in my opinion, another way of passing on that love from you and John to your fans. Please call off the lawyers. They are a necessary evil, yet so diametrically opposite from what you and John are (were). Spread the word, the word is love. So in closing, "I love you" (pass it on!) Warmest regards Joe
Dec 20, 1996
Denise (Neese13@aol.com) from Indiana
Comments: Dear Yoko Ono-Lennon: I have been reading the messages that were sent to you. I would like you to know that my thoughts and prayers are with you in this sad season. I think that you should reconsider the shutting down of Sam's site. It would help many of us (like me) who were not around to witness all of John's GREAT doings. Many of us younger fans would benefit from this. It is a great thing that Sam was doing---trying to keep John alive in ALL of our hearts---I regret not being here sooner to see his page, but I'm sure from all the other things I read that it was SUPER. All of us could learn a few things from John, and this is one way that some of us can. I wasn't around personally to witness them, but I am always trying to learn more things, and would LOVE to get the chance to check out what Sam had to say. Thank you. Denise
Dec 20, 1996
Comments: Yoko - I already thought you were weird, and never really liked you, no offense, but I think you used to many drugs. But recently, I have become very interested in the Beatles, and by the Beatle members individually. A lot of people think you're crazy, but if you did something as good as keeping open the website, I know I would think different about you being crazy, and maybe even like you. The Beatles rule, and John Lennon was a big part of them, so help keep him alive. Please.
Dec 20, 1996
RixRox (BAEHRE@WORLDNET.ATT.NET) from PHOENIX, AZ United States of America
Comments: Give the Internet a Chance! Love, RixRox
Dec 20, 1996
S Kini
Comments: Reopen this site! it did more to cherish John's memory than other, more commercial sites. Don't listen to the lawyers!
Dec 20, 1996
Claira from London
Comments: To our dearest Yoko, We as a people would like to know what is hurting you so much? Love Us in the Now
Dec 20, 1996
Brandi Brooks (theki29@mail.idt.net) from Cleveland, Ohio USA
Comments: Dear Yoko, I am only 14 years old, but John Lennon's music mean a lot more than you can imagine. After living in this messed up world, I couldn't really see what peace was. But just recently I started listening.... REALLY listening... to John's music and I realized that with a little hope and love, we cann accomnplish it. I started out loving the Beatles, and that led me to John's music. I personally think that you helped him be what he was in his late years. I hope you reconsider the decision about Sam's page, for the sake of fans like us, children who haven't had the chance to discover John, and for John's loved ones. Let's keep his memory, even if still strong, alive and well! Happy holidays to you, Sean, and Julian. I can only imagine how tough the holiday season is, but just remember that we love you all!!! Because love is real, real is love.... Always, Brandi 8)
Dec 20, 1996
Hayley Jude from Australia
Comments: Let Lennon Live
Dec 20, 1996
Ben Madore (Aeroz3@aol.com) from Barre, Vt, USA
Comments: Dear Mrs. Ono, Please reconsider the use of some of John songs in the web page/s of Sam's site his music fills the world with love. Please take this into consideration after all as you yourself once said "He was a Mindweaver" remember the faces of "all those beautiful boys" when they can here John's music living on forever. Thank you very much it has been a GREAT pleasure writing to you. Best wishes to you and Sean. Ben Madore 14 yrs old
Dec 20, 1996
Shay and Leslie from Surrey England
Comments: Dearest Yoko Ono Lennon. We are here like all the others to tell you John is our hero. We need him for hope and all that. Well, we're not. We're here to explain to you, that this is a decision up to you completey. This could be hurting you really bad, and we know you have your reasons, so whatever they are, people are on your side. It may seem as if everyone is ganging up- they only love your husband. Please, whatever your choice is in the end, it's the best. Love from Shay and Leslie.
Dec 20, 1996
Matthew Ferguson
Comments: Fuck The Lennon Estate!
Dec 20, 1996
Andrew, Matt and Sadie
Comments: Calm down brother. We've got to keep John's spirit alive
Dec 20, 1996
Comments: Dear Yoko, I was a regular user of the John Lennon chat, and a regular visitor to the page, then I found out that it was gone! I love John Lennon, and everyone involved with him. Everything he stood for had meaning, and still does. I just wanted to let you know that there are people in this world that still love him, people of all ages, and races. His work will always be remembered. IMAGINE what it would be like if we could still all get together and celebrate his glory. Please think about this. Peace, Love, and a Merry Christmas to you and your family!
Dec 21, 1996
Julia from England
Comments: John is the word. Sing it now. Ohhh, let the sun shine in, the sun shine in, ohh, let the sun shine in, the sun shine in!!!!! This is the age of aquarius.
Dec 21, 1996
Rosalind Mackenzie (macfour@ihug.co.nz) from Takapuna, North Shore City, Auckland, New Zealand, South Pacific
Comments: Please allow us to read on the Net about John and his life with The Beatles and you. It is a fantastic place to update our information about him. His compositions are timeless!
Dec 21, 1996
Arsine Kaloustian (Adktexan@aol.com) from Florida, U.S.A
Comments: Dear Yoko: I am a high-school girl living in Florida and I visited Sam Choukri's website often before it was removed from the Web by your lawyers. I am sure that Sam Choukri meant no harm by including John's art and trademarks in his site, which was what the conflict between he and your lawyers was all about, if I am not mistaken. I enjoy your late husband's work so much and I will always admire he and you for striving for peace so diligently. So please, please, PLEASE let Sam Choukri put his website back on the Web. We would all appreciate it so much. Keep up your work in the musical business. You are a wonderful artist. Thank you for your time and patience.
Dec 21, 1996
Olivia Haslup and Melissa Cuzzart from Maryland usa
Comments: we would like to thank her for the christmas card, however, we want to know why you had to break them up and get rid of the web site? WE LOVE YOUR HUSBAND! TELL SEAN WE SAY HELLO.
Dec 21, 1996
Doug B (DBIS@capital.net)
Comments: Dear Yoko, I am 18 i live in Ny i've been listening to John and the beatles since i was three my parents love John and the beatles and i was raised with them and i hope my children will listen to them someday but since there aren't alot of books on them and since the world is all going towards computers why not let Johns peace and love touch as many people as possible.I hope u will take the time to search this cite and see first hand that it is a tribute to John and that we all care for him.
Dec 21, 1996
Comments: I think that if you just have a look at the number of people that want to support this web-site. It was created in honour of your late husband, and it is because we love you and John that we visit it. I love John Lennon, and I think this page is important because it educates people and it is a tribute to John and all the wonderful, amazing things he's done. Please, please, please, PLEASE let the site continue, if not for us, then for John.
Dec 21, 1996
Nina Di Gregorio
Comments: Dear Yoko, I was born in 1981, so I was never even alive at the same time as John, but I know more about him than most adults. I am a musician, and John is my sole and most driving inspiration. I hope to someday pay tribute to him in Central Park at the Imagine mosaic on December 8th. I just want to say that anything--web site or other that spreads his message and keeps his memory alive should be able to be shown to everyone in the world. There is definately something different and more special about John than any other artist. From John's biggest fan.
Dec 21, 1996
Ang Yong Guan (angyong@singnet.com.sg) from Singapore
Comments: Dear Yoko I have always been fascinated by John Lennon. He was one of those unique individual who believed in living life to its fullest. He was searching all the while....searching to repair the wounded soul and damaged esteem which he suffered during his growing up period. I can imagine how traumatic it was for him to see his parents quarrelled at Blackpool (and later divorced) at aged 5; how uncomfortable it was to be brought up by a strict Aunt Mimi; how devastating it was to lose his mother at aged 18; how loveless his first marriage was to his childhood sweetheart, Cynthia. Nevertheless, all these unsettling feelings provided him the impetus to write great music. The Beatles only gave him momentary happiness. He relentlessly searched for the true Lennon vis a vis his unresolved feelings about his deceased mother. He finally found (or rather discovered) you. Remember your Art exhibition John attended...there was a fresh apple you exhibited with a price tag of 200 pounds or (US dollars, cannot remember details)...You whet up John's curiosity...he climed up the ladder placed next to the fresh apple and at the top shelf was only 1 word " YES". That event changed his life's forever....You were instrumental in making realise his unresolved conflcits...his inability to come to terms with his lost mother. You detected all these....you told him to go away with MAY PANG until he could settle his own intrapsychic conflicts. Both of you were reunited at Elton John's concert...and it was a transformed John that the world saw.......until the unfortunate event. Please YOKO....I highlight all these to show how sincere John was in searching for his lost true self. His life, his struggle, his conflicts, the pain, etc........are important lessons for all of us caught in this stressful and often confusing world. Please YOKO....allow the world this glimpse into John's life so that all of us too may gain and grow.....learn and develop...mature and live (not just exist." ....Merry Xmas.....Happy 1997
Dec 21, 1996
Summer Levin (mikestar@vom.com) from Sonoma,CA
Comments: Dear Yoko, I was only one when John passed away,I wish he was still here John was just a great wounderful person.My parents like The Beatles and John Lennon and they just passed it on to me.In November I went to my first Beatlefest it was so much fun and I got "In His Own Write" I love John's poems and his storys John was a very talented person and I miss him very much and I know you miss him to.I wish you and Sean the very best chrismas and a very very very happy new year.Peace&Love to you and Sean.Imagine All The People Living in Peace"=)
Dec 21, 1996
Lance Osborne (Beatles369@aol.com) from Owensboro, KY U.S.A.
Comments: Dear Yoko... It is wonderful to see SO many great pictures of John and many others associated with The Beatles (TM). Please let these archives be shown to the world so many may see the great face of the great peacemaker -John Lennon. Thank You. Lance Osborne 14\m\KY
Dec 21, 1996
J.D. Shelton (jshelton@imine.net) from Anaconda, MT, United States
Comments: Dear Yoko, The world will never know how much you and John meant to it. If the world would just realize what you and John believed in it would be a better place than what the human race has made it. I love you both. Sincerely, Joseph Dale Shelton Age: 17
Dec 22, 1996
Karin and Sandra (e5fak@nana.slu.se) from Lycksele, Sweden
Comments: Dear Yoko Ono Lennon! We are two Beatles Fans from the very north of Sweden. We where only five years old when John Lennon was shot, but then we didn't realize what a tragedy that was for all of mankind on the earth! When we grew older we found some old Beatlealbums in our parents recordscollections and became almost obsessed with the Beatles and their music. John Lennon WAS bigger than Jesus, there is nothing to say about that! But there's so many things about THEM that we don't know, and maybe we're never going to find out about, because we weren't there when it all begun. Please save John Lennon for coming generations, and then neither him nor his messages will die! All you need is love! Sincerely Karin and Sandra
Dec 22, 1996
Sue Kauflie (Philly8514@aol.com) from PA
Comments: Dear Yoko, please allow this homepage-I for one still cry over John-you were lucky to have many wonderful moments with him-plase allow his devoted fans to keep him in our lives the only way we ever could-he'll never be far from us this way. Thank you
Dec 22, 1996
Bill Frazzetto (Bfraz666@aol.com) from Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA
Comments: Oh Yoko, This fellow is trying to put together a wonderful Web Site devoted to John's work and philosophy. I don't see any commercial intent, so it's kinda pure, you know? As an ex-neighbor (I lived across the street from the Dakota for 13 years)I implore you to call off your attorneies and allow this young man to do something John Lennon would be proud of.
Dec 22, 1996
Michael Boren Williams (micwill@iprolink.ch) from Berne, Switzerland
Comments: Dear Yoko, The world has lost John. We are fortunate that many of his works, both released and unreleased, remain with us. Please do not deprive the world of any of these great works. As John wrote: "Life is very short..." Hopefully, Michael Boren Williams an old friend of Johns
Dec 22, 1996
Dara McMains (Hedgeb@indy.tds.net) from Greencastle, Indiana, U.S.A.
Comments: Yoko, We all here at this sight love, respect, idolize, and even worship your husband. Letting his work be on the sights like this will edicate us. We are the generation that is keeping John's spirit alive and will teach about him and pass his wonderful music on to other generations. PLEASE listen to us and let this sight be free. John would want the world to see his stuff and we are a part of the world. Let him live on and let us see his work. I am a great Lennon fan and I am only 15 years old. Please let him live. For the Love of Lennon, Dara McMains
Dec 22, 1996
Amy Scouten (lennonlover@hotmail.com) from Smiths Falls, Ontario, Canada
Comments: Dear Mrs. Lennon, I believe your husband, John Lennon, was the greatest man ever to walk the face of this earth. He fought for peace and love and he only ever wanted to help other people. What happened to Mr. Lennon was horrible and if I could do one thing to change the world I would bring John back. I'm only 15 years old and I was never alive to see John but I care so much about him and what he stood for. So please don't get your lawyers to close down web sites that are so obviously paying tribute to your late husband. They are one of the only ways you can still spread John's message of love. Thank-you, Yoko. P.S. John was right: All You Need Is Love.
Dec 22, 1996
Annie Hodgins
Comments: Dear Yoko, The first time I ever heard John was when I was 6. The song 'Strawberry Fields Forever' was playing on the radio in my garage. The weird music was like nothing else I'd ever heard. The sounds intrigued me so much that I lost control of my bike and as a result had to get 9 stitches. I've loved him ever since. You don't understand how this man who died 3 years before I was born has meant to me. He was a real leader. Why are you letting lawyers ruin everyones chance to learn about one of the most significant people who ever lived? Do you want people in the history books to remember him as 'John the Beatle' or 'John the REAL person'? Why are we letting lawyers ruin John Lennon's legacy? All We Are Saying Is Give Him A Chance. Peace, Love, and John Lennon, Annie Hodgins
Dec 22, 1996
edgar breisch (ebreisch@phcs.com) from Londonderry NH US
Comments: I have very few heros - John was one - His estate must have a few millions- how much do you need - what would John say- give it away to keep it- imagine no possessions just a con ?- give peace a chance just an opportunity to make money ? - I feel his spirit wants the scum bag attorneys to FOAD- the process becomes the reality when we live by the words we preach.
Dec 22, 1996
Tomas Leite (mleite@francanet.com.br) from Franca (SP), BRAZIL
Comments: Dear Yoko, I am only one more in the countless list of Lennon's and Beatles' fans. What you've shown the world on those days is still appreciated and we are sure that your ideas are alive. If you really share the words John wrote, please give Sam Choukri the allowance to rebuild the John Lennon Web Chat. Best regards! Tomas Leite
Dec 22, 1996
Matthew Franklin (JROCKIDGE@AOL.com) from Lexington, Kentucky, United States of America
Comments: Dear Yoko, Hello, I am 13 years of age and I have been a Beatles fan for about a year now and in this time I have been intrigued by the mystical figure of John Lennon(God rest his soul). I am at that period in my where I am finding myself and discovering who I really am and what I want to be. The Beatles have helped me in many ways such as with girls,one inparticular(who's name I can not reveal for she does not know of my infatuation with her), and I wish that they could know how they helped me understand the concepts and realities of life and as in John's song IMAGINE, it makes us aware and remember what a drag our society is ,but we can always dream of a world where there is no greed or hunger and a brotherhood of man. P.S. I was wondering if you could be so kind as to answer some questions for me such as was John Lennon buried or was he cremated? If he was buried could you please write back and tell me where? Also if it isn't to much of a burden and if you know, could you please tell me the address of Paul McCartney,George Harrison,and Ringo Starr so I can tell them how much they too have helped me? P.P.S. I am truly sorry about your husband's death and I wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year's. Peace, Love, and Happiness forever. Sincerely yours, Matthew Grant Franklin
Dec 23, 1996
Louis Summer from Melbourne in Australia
Comments: John was a champion, who shall never die in our hearts. To me, I think all of this is a bit of a waist of energy. John really lives on in us, not on some web site. Keeping John's spitit alive is not hard. We all believe and love him- therefore we are keeping it alive. Rest In Beautiful Peace John Lennon, and never forget you're forever.
Dec 23, 1996
Kiyo TAKIYAMA (goisu@gem.bekkoame.or.jp) from TOKYO,JAPAN
Comments: Dear YOKO. I am so glad that I found site like this. Please keep this site forever!
Dec 23, 1996
Mephistopheles from The Abyss
Comments: The Brotherhood of the 7 frown upon "copy right infringement". I think you've had too much therapy and have been too going too long without token up. So shoot it up, smoke it, eat it, drink it, or whatever. At least not for you but for john. Do you think John would be happy knowning you prevented his legacy from being spread and remembered? Do you think he could rest peacfully knowning that?
Dec 23, 1996
Becky, aka pidgeon from Liberty NY USA
Comments: Dear Yoko: I'm sorry that you've got to listen to the lawyers. Those kind never did understand any of us, did they? I hope you'll take a look for yourself, because I think you'll find that this isn't such a bad thing after all. All we want is to keep John in our lives, and it's so nice to have a place here in cyberspace to do that. Please talk to your lawyers. Maybe if they don't understand it's time to replace them.Out with the new, in with the old. I'm only 17 but I think it was a lot better when everybody at least tried to have peace and love I know you'll do the right thing. Thanks.
Dec 23, 1996
Tristen Hubbard (thubbard@mail.qntm.com) from Derry, NH USA
Comments: Dear Yoko, As a child I grew up listening to the Beatles, as a teenager I grew listening to John. I was 10 years old when he died, and places such as Sam's site are places I can go to keep my own communication with John. I'm sure no hard feelings were meant toward Sam for pulling the information he used on his site, but if it is shut down, it shuts many people out of sharing their feelings about John's work and the message you and he fought so hard for. Every few years on my birthday (Oct. 11) I go to New York to Strawberry Fields, but many people can't do that. The only place they have to visit are sites like Sam's. Please help work with the people involved in this to come to a compromise to let us have the site back. Thank you, Yoko. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year (Let this war be over.)
Dec 23, 1996
Kym Dunnam (choclate@csulb.edu) from long beach, ca 90804
Comments: Dear Yoko. These web site are an inspiration and a avenue for lennon fans to express there admiration.Please allow these harmless web sites to continue. we are all in support of your late husband and your family and we just need somewhere for fans to come together. Thank you and Happy Christmas.
Dec 23, 1996
Comments: Dear Yoko, I think that before you make any hasty decisions about Mr. Choukri's John Lennon page I think you should at least view the page for yourself. Visiting Sam Choukri's John Lennon page is like visiting a cyber-monument to the greatest of them all, your late husband John Lennon. It's truly a work of art, and not in the least bit disrespectful in any way. PLEASE let the John Lennon page return! We all miss it!!!!
Dec 23, 1996
Annie (again) from Clarksburg, Ontario, Canada
Comments: Dear Yoko, Sorry I'm writing again. I'm the girl who fell off her bike and smashed her face in because of John (I enjoyed every moment of it, too! **smile**) I know you're busy. Are you reading this far into the comments? Because if you are I just want to say (again) how stupid lawyers are. I say never do anything without at least checking it out yourself. Please, could you please just take a minute and look at Sam's page?I know you'll change your mind! Thankyou, Thankyou, Thankyou, Yoko!!!! Christmas is in 2 days!!! I hope you and Sean have a wonderful one! All The Best and I Love John, Love, Annie Hodgins ps this war will be over soon.
Dec 23, 1996
H. Forman from Montreal, Canada
Comments: Dear Yoko, The web site closed after receipt of the cease and desist from your attorneys was a lovely tribute to John, nothing more or less. If you've been made aware of these pages since they've been removed, I would encourage you to consider allowing Sam to set them up again. I found the information, and the way it was presented, uplifting. Happy Christmas.
Dec 23, 1996
Avril & Sarah from Southern Hemisphere
Comments: John is a champ!!!
Dec 24, 1996
Kiyo (goisu@gem.bekkoame.or.jp) from TOKYO,JAPAN
Comments: Happy X'Mas Yoko! and Happy New Year to All!
Dec 24, 1996
Kiyo (goisu@gem.bekkoame.or.jp) from TOKYO,JAPAN
Comments: Happy X'Mas Yoko! and Happy New Year to All!
Dec 24, 1996
Dreamer (Trevs1@aol.com)
Comments: Don't you want John to be remembered? Do you want all the work that you have accomplished together to be forgotten? People want to know about John and his life, why won't you let them? It's just a few pictures, are you afraid that you won't get a cut on the deal? It's not doing anyone any good by trying to sue a man that is only trying to spread John's work and life to other people. Why can't you let it go? You have for this long...
Dec 25, 1996
Jarrod Cameron (pegrik@netcom.ca) from Oshawa Ont. Canada
Comments: This will be short, I'm only 20yo I grew up hearing the Beatles and the music of John As my teen years came...Gangsta Rap and Punk Rock played an important part of my rebellion Not until a year ago did i start looking deep into the life and times of John...It may sound cheesey but He changed my whole outlook on life... Anything that degrades John Lennon should be burned...However the rest, info, pictures, sounds should be obtainable in our infoAge... ThankYou J-Red
Dec 25, 1996
Joe from Southern Europe
Comments: I like Mr. Lennon, he my friend. (Sorry, my English no good) I like read about him, cause I lonely man. I like to hear from you Lennon fans, please just mention my name. Yoko- you nice woman. I grateful to you, for your contribution to the society. I read many book on John. I feel like he my brother. I love him for my life everyday. I hope Merry Christmas, please no write bad things in the society. Bye bye- Lennon forever.
Dec 25, 1996
Avril Hyde from Melbourne Australia
Comments: My friend, Sarah Hunt really admires John Winston Lennon and loves reading about him. Please don't take this web site off, as it brings her so much joy. The Beatles were great.
Dec 25, 1996
Michelle (misty) from America
Comments: Dear Yoko, You don't know me, but I feel like I know you. You have a good caring heart, a mind with almost a sense of compassion. You are smart and are an idol to look up to. If you could find it in your heart to help us we would forever be in dept. It is odd that so many people who never knew your husband could feel so deeply about him. I have been listing to him for as long as i can remember. I have felt a love for him for twice as long as that. John was a master of music heart soul grace and peace. You were the only who could match his stride. If only youknew how much this means to so many people. without this we loose friends, almost family, a place to express ourselves. I love you and him so i am asking, please Misty
Dec 25, 1996
Misty Sunshine (michelle) (kwilson@sbs.sbs.uab.edu) from U.S.A.
Comments: yoko, i am writing agian simply because i can't say enough about my cuase. I am only 13. But i love you husband (may he rest in peace) and you with all of my heart. I think of all the good he did when he lived, and i think of all the good this web page did for us. it was a place to consol to talk to make friends. It proved that even after he died that he brought hope and peace into the world. It gave us hope. Please, help us get it back. It is like loosing a lifelong friend, a hole in your heart, an emptiness in your soul. I love you, peace, Misty
Dec 25, 1996
Kiyo (goisu@gem.bekkoame.or.jp) from Tokyo,JAPAN
Comments: I wish he could give us Live performance gig now. very important to listen to his music,especially now!
Dec 25, 1996
Lacey Sloope (lace@twave.net) from Taylorsville, NC USA
Comments: John Lennon has helped me get through some of the tougher times in my life. He has always been there like a guadian angel watching over my side. This WebPage has been an inspiration to me and to millions of other fans all over the world. When no one understands, I like to come here where only good memories reside. I am only 19 years old but, believe me, no one was or ever will be more inspirational than John Lennon. This WebPage only heightens his intensity!!
Dec 26, 1996
Jim Marzano (INMArtist@aol.com) from Kingston, NY, USA
Comments: Dear Yoko, Thank you for saving Johns life. If it wasn't for you I'm sure he would have ended up like Hendrix,Joplin, &/or Morrison (just to name a few). I know you've taken a lot of abuse because of the love that you & John shared, but many more people than you think can see through the media hype. I love & respect you deeply as an artist. As john peered through the magnifying glass & saw the word YES, the revealation that "here was something positive" has reverba- rated around the world. I was at MSG when You & John helped expose the plight of the mentally ill in the institutions. I went on to work for that cause & now practice art therapy with children as an early intervention program for mental health (after all art is our 1st language). I also learned from john the importance of fatherhood & help chair a fathers rights group to educate men as to their rights & responsibil- ities as parents. As a father of 5 I hope I have relieved the burden of typical macho male stereotyes from my sons (3) shoulders. Each year since Johns death I have made my own Christmas card using a quote from either you or John as a tribute to your endless battle for 1 new clear world. That tradition has grown into an annual tribute to John Lennon at my art studio where lots of people come in the spirit of unified humanity to read poems, sing songs, show & create art that reprisents what is good & positive in the universe. I hope some day you'll join us. I think anyone who can channel positive energy into the world using themes that where set into motion by you & John should be allowed to do so. I think you have a right to research anyone that is doing it to ensure that the message is not being abused or expoited for profit, but let's keep hope alive. The negative forces at work should not be allowed to prevail over what is just & good.
Dec 26, 1996
Danya du Toit (davedt@igubu.saix.net) from South Africa
Comments: Dear Yoko. I love John Lennon - everything about him. I am a teenager now, and believe me, not many people still know who John Lennon is. I think we need pages about John, he was such a great person, and these pages help keep him alive in our hearts. Please don't let them be banned - we love John!!
Dec 26, 1996
Justin Marnocha from South Bend, IN, America
Comments: Dear Yoko, I know that I am just a kid,but please keep the web site. Its places like that that keep the spirit of John Lennon alive and well. Best regards, Justin Marnocha
Dec 26, 1996
Bérénice from Lyon, France
Comments: Dear Yoko, I admire tremendously what you and John have done over the years. Some of the first great information i got on John i discovered it on this page sam had created. It's the best page i had ever seen on the web and it was kind of normal because it was about a great guy. I wish that this page were still available not just for me but for all the people who need to discover how great John was and to all the others, like me, who already know a lot about him but still like seeing new photographs, new videos, hear interviews and read things about him. Hope you'll take into consideration all these letters you have received. Lots of Love
Dec 26, 1996
anonymous from Pennsylvania, USA
Comments: Dear Mrs. Ono-Lennon, Please allow this site back on the internet. You knew John personally, but many of us did not. I personally was not even born yet. I absolutely adore John's works and his message was powerful. I don't think that he would have intended for his message to become commercialized and only available to those who can afford it. Please, spread his message and yours to all the world. Remember the avant-garde peaceniks? The next generation needs some help getting started. Thank you.
Dec 26, 1996
Comments: DEAR YOKO, I love you and John even though I've never met you, and I respect you. You are my role model because I think that you're intelligent, intuitive and UNDERSTANDING. Please understand that for a lot of people, johnandyoko is all they have. Sam Choukri isn't trying to rip money off of you or take credit for what John stood for. He's for showing people the beauty of you and John. LOVE, FROM CAROLINE
Dec 26, 1996
John F. Hampton, Jr. (john.hampton@ckcs.org) from Lexington, KY, U.S.A.
Comments: Dearest Godmother-I will never believe that you have a greedy bone in your body. I'm 37 now, and I took up for you and John in the 60's when everybody was trashing albums and saying you were bad for John. I always thought peoples' pedjudices against you were totally ludicrous, and in my Bible-Belt town of Glasgow KY in the late 60's, if you took up with hippies and rock and rollers then the folks would be ready to get out the belts and chains. Please, if you have any control over the matter of giving this gentleman's web page back to him, then don't you think that's what John would want you to do. Thank you, and my 18 yr.old son Sean thanks you too.
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