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From Nov 29, 1996 to Mar 28, 1997, visitors to Bagism had the opportunity to write a letter to Yoko Ono asking that she reconsider the decision by her laywers to shut down my former John Lennon site. The first three pages of these letters were mailed to Yoko Ono but I never received a reply.
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(please note that new letters are no longer being accepted)Jan 27, 1997
SunKing (SunKing @WOW.com) from Miami Fll USA
Comments: Yoko, surely you can't need any more money, money can't buy you love! John would of loved the freedom the internet provides to the PEOPLE. Power to the PEOPLE! Give the fans a chance to enjoy John and your life together. Instead of having your lawyers try to limit the site, YOU should be helping the site so others can see the light of John's LOVE. LOVE IS....... and...in the end, the love you take = the love you make. Peace
Jan 28, 1997
a sad, sad girl... (TheSongster) (straw@generation.net) from Montréal, Québec, Canada
Comments: I'm so sad today...You can't imagine how much. I have try to see you in other point of view.. I have try to appreciate your works...I have try to like you... and now i think that all we have do was for nothing because badly I was rigth! It's only a money business and if Sam would have pay you...you would have answer us with a great smile! and you would have give him all the rigths! I can't undertand you! Why dont you at less give us an aswer? I can't believe that you need more money... lawers only do what you want them to do...YOU pay them... Why have sacrified the Sam page when you share by your self every days your husband works with the world? because when You do it..you win money? I LOVE John...but I return to my first feelings about yourself... You could have been nice enought to give, to all of us who have take time to write to you, at less a little answer...a little message... We are fans from around the world who care enougth for John to spend times with him (by his songs, by the Sam page..) EVERY DAYS! You are his wife...when you don't ever take time to see us, you insult and injured ourself! If you are not blind, if you can see that too much people still care of your husband...and so still give you money... you can't ignore us one minute more! We need an action, positive or negative, from you! We need to see that we are IMPORTANT! I'm not afraid by the Instant Karma...I only follow my heart and it's what John praid for... To close my mouth and to compliment you would have been some hypocrisy. I'm sick of all the human hypocrisy! Maybe I'm too much agressive.. I'm sorry but my soul can't stand the pain of your silence anymore! I only hope that John will open your eyes one more times... Thanks. Think. TheSongster "PEACE SIGN"
Jan 28, 1997
Rex Bevans (erico2@ix.netcom.com) from Westminster, Co. America
Comments: Dear Ms. Ono, You should always bear in mind that the world would never have heard the name Yoko Ono if not for John Lennon's greatness. You'd still be some starving artist if you had not conived your way into John's heart, destroying a piece of his mind as well as his band. I've often thought you were very much an ambitious and money grubbing woman- now, with this latest episode, I'm certain of it. I really don't think you loved John Lennon nearly as much as his fame and money. So enjoy your golden years and when you finally die, I can only hope that you are alone- a fate you so richly deserve. Someday I may be able to forgive the mentally ill man who killed his body, but never you, Yoko, you killed his soul.
Jan 29, 1997
Winston O'Boogie II (aq685@ccn.cs.dal.ca)
Comments: Guten Tag: I'd just like to add that I was a frequent visitor to Sam's page over the summer and I was most diappointed to see that it had been shut down. I think that you should take a good look at all the support that Sam has for his page, and think about letting him set it up again. I don't know why you wouldn't want John's fans to show their admiration for him. - Winnie
Jan 29, 1997
susan ketonen (susan.ketonen@aol.llaky.fi)
Comments: Dear Yoko, I´d like to tell you that I really miss the old pages of Sam. I was shocked when I heard that my favourite pages and the best chat on the net was closed down. And on Johns name, that I couldn´t understand. I wish you would give Sam promision to use old materials on these new pages of his. with love susie
Jan 29, 1997
Comments: No offense bu I think you need better lawyers.
Jan 29, 1997
Benny Mozes (bmozes@research.haifa.ac.il) from Kiriat Bialik, Israel
Comments: As one of Lennon's fan, I want to claim about the most marvelous Lennon-site shut-down. Hoping this site will be online soon, and please - Lawyers - let us (the fans) have our "private" memorial net-tribute of our John Lennon. Sam - keep trying... Thanks and Goodbye, Benny!
Jan 30, 1997
A FAN from Richmond,VA
Comments: Yoko Ono I know you love money, and nothing we say is going to make you change your mind. John really loved you, but did you really love him? Are you jealous that most fans are looking at John the Beatle still. There was more to John than that. I almost have every album Lennon made on his own, and I can not say anthing more. You will never read this Yoko, you have no class. The respect I have is for your husband, but maybe you are just happy to have the money. I am sure you are, so I will quit now -- since you are worthless! My father was right, you are a bitch!
Jan 30, 1997
Sherah Faulkner (mhf@HiWAAY.com) from Florence, Al USA
Comments: Dear Ms.Ono, Hi. First i'd like to say that i'm happy just to be able to be in contact with you. This seems truley amazing. That is because i feel like i know you from the music made by you and John. You have touched so many people and i'm sure John's life and the one you are living now will continue to touch many, many, more if you let it. That is just what our society is in desperate need of now : someone to admire who taught the things they belived through various way: music, writing, words and most of all actions. To me that was what John and you were all about, expressing your opinions by showing people how a little love, understanding and peace can truley make a difference. It was the life and memory of John Lennon that showed me that. It would be a tragic loss to have anything that can tell others about John and his herioc beliefs (despite the fact he was an average man) taken away because of the apathy of a few typical greedy American people convincing you that it it wasn't a needed assest. Or maybe it wasn't someone else who convinced you of it; maybe you yourself have become the typical, greedy American citizen. If so then that is a devistating loss of a once wonderfully unbound and rarely free human soul. We have already lost one, please don't let us lose another, or his memory. thank you for listening, Sherah
Jan 31, 1997
Charles Rollins Jr (chuck@mosquitonet.com) from North Pole Alaska
Comments: Yoko, I was just a kid when John changed the world, infact he can still change the world if you let his word stay on this page. Just look at the people responding, look at where they live. I feel that John, though I never had the joy of know him personally would have loved the internet. To tell you the truth, I feel John is in the after life. Maybe a spark of hope for mankind has been rekindeled by the internet. Think of his song Imagine, in part maybe the net is a realization of what John Imagined so long ago. Thank You Charles Rollins Jr
Jan 31, 1997
John Lennon Fan
Comments: Forgive me, my little flower princess. For crushing your sweet..... We looked and listed to John Lennon on this page for his life, not to make a profit off of his estate. I beleive that Mr. Sam has been doing this, because John Lennon was cool. We know, that John personally may of not liked the attention, since he was on wits end when he came back anyway. Yoko, do you blame us because he died? He came back on his own free power! If I could buy the stuff that Sam had, I would -- but if I got it from here, I never sell it -- it was for the love of a spirit that we decided not to let die. John Lennon's body is dead, as well as the rest of us will be someday. Is there really something afterwords? If there is not, this page was one of the pages to visit John Lennon's spirit -- what he left behind was very important. I stated eariler Yoko, that I feel that you are a money grabber and who blames you Yoko, who blames you? You might of loved the man, but I bet you love the cash! Afraid you will lose some of that it FREE LOVE goes on. I am not mocking your past, or creating my own. I have been a Elvis Fan, even though Elvis dissed John, John still respected Elvis the singer, he did Hound Dog in New York -- not as good as Elvis, but the magic was there -- I was like that too. "Before Elvis, there was nothing." "After the Beatles, there was four kids turned adults." and "After John, there was a empty space, where a man who had great talent, did not have the chance to show what else he had left. Miss Ono, even if you never read this, I hope someone understands that we all LIVE ONCE -- but some of us live forever, even if we never know. I think that John would understand now, in DEATH I don't think he really mind. PLEASE.
Jan 31, 1997
Joyce Chow (schow@freenet.edmonton.ab.ca) from Canada
Comments: Dear Yoko, I was only one when John Lennon was tragically murdered, but I still mourn the great loss to the world. I have grown to love John and the music that he made while he was here. Please reconsider the shutting down of Sam Choukri's webpage, it was one of the ways that I have come to learn more about John and his accomplishments. It was a great place to learn and share with other people in different parts of the world what John has brought by his music and his peace. All you need is love, Joyce
Jan 31, 1997
Robert Simeone (robert.simeone@sympatico.ca) from Chambly Quebec Canada
Comments: Dear Yoko, Sam Choukri's pages helped us understand more of what John and yourself brought to the world. He wasn't "using" John to have his name on the Web but only having millions of us enjoying every little bit of material John left us so we could share his legacy and wonderful music. Please Yoko, let Sam bring back his previous Lennon pages and Give Peace A Chance! Thank you Robert Simeone
Jan 31, 1997
Richie (RichieR@prodigy.net)
Comments: Yoko,LET IT BE! Leave Sam alone. He's just trying to keep John's memory alive and you're trying to take that away. I don't know about you but I want to see stuff about John. So just please stay out of it.
Feb 1, 1997
Student of Life and Love (lsmith@beta.jesupnet.com) from Screven, Ga. USA
Comments: Ms. Ono: John has been gone for 17 years and still you're receiving this flood of mail decrying that you not impose blocks upon millions of people all over the world who choose to remember him in any way possible. Common sense would imply that for some reason known only to yourself, you seem determined to be the pillar of resistance to free speech about which John was so adamant. Multiplying your resistance to free speech attitude is the subject of free speech which you have chosen to suppress...your late husband. Were it possible, John would no doubt be "rolling over in his grave" at your position and actions. He may not have been into idolistic adoration (especially pertaining to himself), but he did espouse freedom of expression--apparantly much more than he was able to convince you of during the time you lived with him. I'll see you in Heaven (or whatever term you have for that place we'll all be going) and we'll discuss our divergant views about this subject at length at that time.
Feb 1, 1997
Lela Ames (dcames@sover.net) from Chesterfield, NH, USA:
Comments: Yoko, I am not going to bash you (After all, that would be both cruel and rather pointless), but don't you think that you should have just left Sam Choukri's home page alone? I was born a year after John's horrific murder, and that page was a wonderful place to learn about him. On a final note, I may be young, but I know that lawyers are not always the greatest people to listen to. You must be an incredible person... just listen to your own heart, not your overpaid lawyers. Peace and happiness always, Lela
Feb 1, 1997
Annie MacLellan from Nova Scotia, Canada
Comments: Dear Yoko Ono, I have gone through this letter thus far, and found that people have been saying very mean and vicious things about you. ..'she is a coniving woman'..'money grubbing'...'greedy'...'never loved John anyway'...'no talent'. I just want you to know, from the bottom of my heart, that I think they are wrong. I have nothing but respect for you and the obvious love you shared with John Lennon. You are probably the most intelligent woman ever to be in the spotlight, and I would just like to tell you that you are extremely talented and artistic. I do not think that any of these people writing this letter can say that they admired or respected the late John Lennon, without saying that they also respect you. I know that you will not get discouraged when you read this letter, because you have endured your fair share of criticism in your life. I think it has made you a stronger woman. I am deeply sorry that John Lennon was taken away from you in 1980, and I just wish that I could have been around for your campaigns for peace, and the bed-ins and all of that, but I am only 17. I know that both of you gave genuine contributions to the world, and stood up for what you believed in. I admire this quality in you, and maybe one day, I will possess it as well. In any case, I believe that this web site could be an advantage for people who want to discuss, in a mature fashion, your late husband, his music, his ambition and his determination. Whatever your decision is, I will always admire your work, and John Lennon's work as well. Peace and love always, Annie MacLellan.
Feb 1, 1997
guerrero@express-news.net (guerrero@express-news.net)
Comments: Life is very short and there is no time ..... DEAR YOKO..... Don't sell a cow.... :)(:
Feb 1, 1997
A letter from me to you from Anywhere,USA
Comments: Dear Yoko, I know that many people are mad at you for "breaking up the band" or "loving John for his money", but I don't think that any of that is true. If John loved you, and he truely did, then you cannot be anything bad. I hope you convince your lawyers that the website for John is not a bad thing. I think you are a smart woman and definately deserve respect!
Feb 2, 1997
Rachel Silverman (rssilverman@amherst.edu) from New York
Comments: Yoko, I imagine you did not understand the implications of shutting down a non-profit home page when you took the advice of your lawyers. You must realize that the Internet is the last free frontier on Planet Earth and money hungry business men are trying to destroy our beautiful cyberspace. Please reconsider your decision. I can't think of a better way to educate people about the wonderful causes you and John fought for than to allow us to circulate pictures, text and music in honor of the both of you. This can only help you and John to gain more admirers and friends. Please fight for the preservation of a free and educational Internet... Allow us to celebrate you and your husband on the WWW! Peace n' Luv Rachel Silverman
Feb 2, 1997
Shaunda (dstormon@sprynet.com) from Here, There and Everywhere
Comments: Dear Yoko: Many people have been criticizing you, but personally I think if you were an ugly, money grubbing woman, which you're not, they wouldn't be giving you as hard of a time. If anything they'd be saying nice things just to make you feel good. I just think that you should give this page a chance like you did peace. I've already written twice, the second message I accidently put in this page twice which I appologize for but please give this page AND peace a chance. A 12 year old fan, Shaunda.
Feb 2, 1997
Corrine (Violet582@aol.com) from Sandwich, MA
Comments: Yoko, I love John, you and Sean. I really am excited by all that is John Lennon. This web site was my favorite place to view things about John Lennon. I really enjoyed the web site, and I think it is horrible that it was ended. Thank you for listening. Have a nice day. Love, Corrine
Feb 2, 1997
Shellie K. Kellerman (Imagine_Love@msn.com) from Corpus Christi, Texas 78412
Comments: Dear Yoko, I can't even begin to imagine how much you must miss John because my heart broke for good when John left this world. I'm 43 now and I don't think a day goes by when I don't think of John in some way. I have taught my two children the values that John stood for, which are sorely needed in the world today. Please don't deny his fans the chance to learn as much as we can about his life and work. It means so much to so many. Thank you, Yoko God Bless! Shellie Kellerman
Feb 2, 1997
Emma Hancox (rhancox@alcor.concordia.ca) from Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Comments: Dear Yoko, I was born 4 months after John Lennon was killed, but I nevertheless am aware of the way in which he changed our world for the better. Sam Choukri's John Lennon Home Page was an excellent way for people, such as myself, who never experienced what life was like when John was alive, to learn things about him. I know your lawyers have said that some pictures of John and his artwork should not be on the web- but Yoko, if you put yourself in my place, someone who worships John Lennon and was never lucky enough to know him like you did, wouldn't you be upset that this web page is gone? Was Sam's page harming you in any way? Maybe you should think things over, because I think maybe the lawyers representing the John Lennon Estate are just after your money, and have no real feelings for John, or the millions of people who love him. I know you are a very intelligent woman, who wouldn't fall prey to those greedy lawyers. Please Yoko, let John live on, and don't be so concerned with whether or not a drawing of his should be viewed by an innocent fan. Life is what happens while You're busy making other plans. Love and admiration, Emma.
Feb 2, 1997
Deborah Nerud (dnerud7226@vax2.winona.msus.edu) from Winona, Minnesota, USA
Comments: Dear Ms. Ono-Lennon, Your patience toward Mr. Chokuri and his website about John has been wonderful. The visitors to his website appreciate the civilized communication between the Estate's lawyers and Mr. Chokuri; it is really nice to see and it is also appreciated. However, it would even be more encouraging to see this communication furthered by allowing Mr. Chokuri to exhibit some of Mr. Lennon's artwork and other symbols in his rememberence. Mr. Chokuri has done an excellent and tasteful webpage, representing your husband in the most revered way. Mr. Lennon's fans are also appreciative of Mr. Chokuri's work, and in no way feel that he is misrepresenting or falsifying the Estate in any way. Your understanding is highly appreciated and valued; only through your help and advisement can a page that honors your husband as well as this one can benefit so many lovers of such a wonderful man. Sincerely, Deborah Nerud, college student
Feb 3, 1997
calvin price (holman@intergate.bc.ca) from port coquitlam,british columbia,canada
Comments: YOKO ONO...I finally get a chance to vent.I know that since you've been hated by enough people for long enough to not let anything faze,I feel it is time to cut to the meat(this will feel good) I think you've ridden the Lennon gravy train long enough,I mean,who are you anyway,some shreiking no talent who couldn't make a living on your own if your life depended on it,I think that John would be alive and well and living in england today had it not been for your incompetence,and meddling...He was a married man,does that not give you a clue.(oh by the way..tell sean to lose the singing career).why can't you for once just let us love john for what he stood for,this web page is the perfect place for all of us to remember the love.
Feb 3, 1997
Winston O Boogie (pers@pop.erols.com) from Boonsboro, MD USA
Comments: Dear Ms. Ono, I am a tremendous fan of both John and yourself. I really think that you were a major inspiration to him and together you created magic through peace and love. I am inspired more by John because he created the greatest rock band of all time. That makes a difference. If you had been killed instead of John I would feel that you deserve a website because you BOTH campaigned for peace, and both expressed your ideas artistically, musically, and philosophically to fulfill what you thought was your obligation to the world. Please understand that John's fans need a way to remember him, and nothing should be so greedily taken away by lawyers. I never got to see the old John Lennon site and I would really enjoy it if it was brought back. Please be understanding; there is no need to take anything away from us. I already miss John sorely and it makes it worse when people have to be so difficult. You should be happy that so many people still love him--remember it is because of our love for him that some of us not only know you but RESPECT you for your work. So please have a heart. :)
Feb 3, 1997
Iris Duran from El Paso tx,usa
Comments: dEAR yOKO I really admire how you have kept so strong all of these years .,and I think your son Sean is prety darn fine it wont be hard for him to get a great girl like me to please him .Ilove the band and i wish you and Sean the best A True Fan, Iris Duran
Feb 4, 1997
Ken Delliber from Bristol,Connecticut
Comments: HI YOKO My name is Ken Delliber. i would like to say please let this web site stay on. I am 15 years old and John is my favorite musician. I was not alive when John was shot but i would love to learn everything about him that i can. I have never even seen him in person and now i never will.So please let me learn more about him. i know you love him,so do i from the first time i heard his voise till now i have. so please let learn more about him if not i understand because i know youll make the right dicision. love John's biggest fan, Ken Delliber
Feb 5, 1997
Tina Skaalsvik (tinags@online.no) from Hamar, Norway
Comments: Please, let us have the site!!!
Feb 5, 1997
ocean child
Comments: why would you want to shut us down yoko?...wouldn't you want the memory of john to continue for generations to come...all true john lennon fans just want a place where we can talk about john and appreciate the music he wrote during and after the beatles...don't kill the memory yoko!..thank you for your time..peace and love
Feb 5, 1997
ocean child
Comments: why would you want to shut us down yoko?...wouldn't you want the memory of john to continue for generations to come...all true john lennon fans just want a place where we can talk about john and appreciate the music he wrote during and after the beatles...don't kill the memory yoko!..thank you for your time..peace and love
Feb 5, 1997
Mark Zerafa (adrizera@keyworld.net) from B'Kara - Malta
Comments: Konnichiwa Yoko-san, I'd like to tell you that Sam Choukri's John Lennon web Page was an excellent tribute to John, and an absolutely wonderful service to John's fans all over the world. If you love John, as I'm sure you do, I urge you to give Sam permission to post much of John's artwork etc... on the web. When the original site was closed down, we were all feeling very YIN and absolutely SANPAKU. I think we JOHNANDYOKO people deserve better. Before signing off, I'd like to apologize on behalf of those meanies who posted nasty messages to you. Yoko, you were always an important part of the legend, no matter what anybody says. Yoko, thanks for the music you made with John. Congratulations for your solo albums, however avant garde they may be. We appreciate your creativity. YOKO, WE LOVE YOU!! Best Regards,MARK
Feb 5, 1997
Victor G. from Russia
Comments: Dear Yoko! I am very glad to to send you this message. This is declaration of love for you, John and Beatles from our generation ! From Russia with love, Victor
Feb 5, 1997
John James (DruminJHJ@aol.com) from Fairmont, WV
Comments: Dear Yoko, I am hauge fan of John's work, and Sam Choukri's web page was a great tribute to a great man. I am assuming that you must not have seen the page or you would have allowed it to continue providing us with great pictures, sounds, and album reviews. I really hope you read all of these letters and make the decision to let Sam start back up his wep page. Thanks
Feb 5, 1997
Dr. Ira Simon (docbones@goodnet.com) from Scottsdale, Arizona USA
Comments: P.S. Happiness and peace of mind to you and Sean (my oldest son's middle name is Sean in honor of your husband and son.)
Feb 6, 1997
Lily from Illinois
Comments: Dear Yoko: This is my second day at this web site, and I really enjoy it--I can only IMAGINE what the previous web site was like. I have been a fan of John's since 1964 (I'm 40 now). His life affected mine so much--his death was one of the saddest days I can remember. My 12 year old son's name is Sean--in honor of John. I have much respect for you--you were the one who brought John happiness in the second part of his wild, wonderful life. I appeal to you to allow this site to exist. We all need some- place to feel like we belong, don't we? I'm coming to New York City for the first time in my life this summer and plan to come by the Dakota and Strawberry Fields. I know it will be a very emotional thing for me. The dream is not over. . . .
Feb 6, 1997
Valorie Mace (amberm@iquest.net) from Anderson,Indiana,USA
Comments: WHY!!!!
Feb 6, 1997
Damian Rudegeair (drudegea@brill.acomp.usf.edu) from St. Pete Beach, FL, USA
Comments: Dear Yoko, When John was alive, the two of you talked of peace. Was this to promote yourselves or peace? It's things like this that makes me wonder. If John's heart was true, he would put his message far above money and lawyers. Damian Rudegeair
Feb 7, 1997
Francesca Mattera
Comments: Yoko, I think the only reason this site should be shut down is if John would't want it here and I feel you are the only one who would know if he would or not. If you think John wouldn't want this site here, then you have a perfectly good reason to shut it down and you have my permission, like you need it. Anyway talk to you later. Me Y is a crooked letter and you can't straighten it.
Feb 7, 1997
AbbeyRoad (jfhny@ix.netcom.com) from Long Island, NY USA
Comments: Dear Yoko, Please let Sam use the pictures on his page! This is the BEST page I've ever seen!!! I really believe that Sam wouldn't want to make money off of this page! It's just a place for John Lennon fans to "Come Together"! --AbbeyRoad
Feb 7, 1997
Comments: Yoko: Please please please cut it out. We don't want to see John on commercials for credit cards which claim to give a tiny bit of money to charity but spend more advirtising the commercial than they give. Please remember him well. Don't hurt his fans and don't exploit his memory. We all miss him. Please help. Lynn
Feb 7, 1997
Feb 7, 1997
rc from Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Comments: Ms. Ono: What do you lose by allowing Sam's tribute to John continue? Were the pictures not drawn by John for others to see? Was the music not written for others to hear? Have a heart, allow Sam's Web page to continue or at least give us an explanation (not through your lawyers) as to your objections.
Feb 8, 1997
ANAND R NITCHINGAM (annandrn@singnet.com.sg) from SINGAPORE
Feb 8, 1997
Comments: Dear Yoko, Please bring back the John site. His beauty can't be contained and this was a lovely tribute. Thank you. Darkstar
Feb 9, 1997
The Fool On The Hill from Strawberry Fields/ Penny Lane #12, 8753
Comments: Dear Yoko! You don't really have any good reason to disconnect this website -you can't own everything, that has John's name on it!
Feb 9, 1997
rdroberts from Charlottesville, VA, USA
Comments: Dear Yoko Ono, I think that the Bagism website is a wonderful place for fans of John Lennon, YOUR husband, to come together and learn about the achievements and life of that great man. Please keep in mind that lawyers aren't always right about everything. Also, no one would have heard of your name had it not been for John Lennon marrying you. I think John was a wonderful person and that more people should learn about what an amazing man he was. Thank you for your time. RD
Feb 9, 1997
Nancy Hendrix (Nancy.Hendrix@nashville.com) from Nashville, TN USA
Comments: The site was a very good one. It represented John well. A friend introduced me to it just before the lawyers acted. I was so pleased. I listened to the tapes and looked at the pictures and felt happy. Please change your mind. Sincerely, Nancy Hendrix
Feb 10, 1997
Charles Saliba (salichar@mail.keyworld.net) from Malta; Europe
Comments: Dear Yoko, What Sam is trying to do is to keep the spirit of John Lennon around and alive. I am sure that you should be proud of him and give him all the necessary support. This is no business. If you still want to keep John Lennon alive into our memories, PLEASE HELP AND SUPPORT THIS WEB PAGE.
Feb 11, 1997
becky allen from weimar,ca
Comments: dear yoko, I love john and I know that you have gotten blamed for braking them up. No one is at fault and They all stayed friends after so I'm sorry. But we all love to know about John he was a genious and I miss him even though I'm only 13 My dad rased me on the stones and the Beatles so please bring back the web site. Becky Allen P.O.Box 645 Weimar Ca, 95736 please write too me and give me Pauls adress!! Love ya
Feb 11, 1997
Jessica Jourdain from Sept-Iles, Québec, Canada
Comments: Hi! I come from Canada, I'm 18 and I'm a native. I love your husbind because in his thinking or in his songs there was no question of racism because for us, natives, it's one of the biggest problems not just for us but for all. I hope that everybody will understand the John's message because HE knew The bigger of the problem. You do a great job and I love you too. Jessica Jourdain 1118 Dequen #RR1 Sept-Iles,Qué G4R-4K1 Canada I don't have adress in Internet, I write from School, I hope you gonna send me a little memorie or picture because I love you. «ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE, LOVE IS ALL YOU NEED» BYE
Feb 12, 1997
Joshua M. Schachner (jschachn@runet.edu) from Radford, Va, 25142
Comments: Mrs. Ono, Why fight freedom instead of fighting for it? The goal of your life now, as was with your life with Mr. Lennon, was to promote freedom and integrity among those persons living in the states and beyond. The internet is now one of the best ways to promote that freedom, a freedom that John would have liked to have witnessed. Let your husbands memory live on and inside of our minds. Both of you set a marvelous example of what humanity could and should be, and a small page on John would only help to promote the idea further. John was a great man, let us honor him as such. Sincerly, Joshua M. Schachner
Feb 14, 1997
Scott La Rock (slarock001@aol.com) from Brooklyn, NY 11235
Comments: Dear Yoko I am upset to learn the the Estate Of John Lennon would concern themselves because an amatuer likes to post Lennon art & graphics on the net, do they feel cheated out of income?. I'm sure the Lennon I worshipped would find this quite petty, they're just images for fans to share and enjoy. Once again big corporate America what to squash the little guy.
Feb 14, 1997
dog318 or jenny from new jersey,weehawken
Comments: YOKO!!!!!!!!! HI happy v day 1997. keep the good work up oh yeah i have a crush on sean i am 18 /f of course i would love to talk to him with love your fan jenny r.
Feb 15, 1997
Dan Watt from Waukegan, IL U.S.A.
Comments: Dear Yoko, I have personally never had exposure to the John Lennon page of which I add my voice to the group of displeased visitors. However, knowing all of the love and peace for which John always had stood in defense, surely you should know that John would never have objected to a page such as this on the internet... Please allow all that once was to be again. Thank you for your time.. Yours sincerely, Dan Watt, Waukegan IL
Feb 15, 1997
Dan Chynoweth (Gnaygniy@aol.com) from Universal Citizen
Comments: Dear Yoko No matter what the outcome of life of this proposed website is, the birth or abortion of it,will have no effect on Johns and hopefully your vision of Universal Peace. It has the force of Johns spirit guiding it. Please add the force and strength of your spirit to it.There are many people searching for the vision that John had beings living in peace and harmony. The next generation needs a place to communicate and learn from like minded individuals. YOKO GIVE PEACE A CHANCE PEACE
Feb 16, 1997
Chuck from Washington State, USA
Comments: Yoko, every once in a while I'd pop up to Sam's John Lennon page and listen to something cool from John. I also always hoped there'd be something new to listen to or see. That was a good thing. Please tell your lawyers to get a life and remove their stupid cease and desist order - come on, it really is ridiculous. It is a bad thing. John would have thought it sucked, that's for sure.
Feb 16, 1997
jodi, aka alix miller (vinylbaby5@aol.com) from roi ranch, former houstonian, new mex
Comments: hey! yoko! i'm suppose to be writing something about how you should allow sam choukri(i think thats his name)to keep a web page about john up and running, and yea, i think thats great, but what i really wanted to do is get a chance to write fan mail and stuff like that. so if you read fan mail. : hi , i like your stuff, and i think you are a great person, and ya know, i've never writen fan stuff b~fore so, well, i think jonh picked a swell chick, however many years ago,, (that chick obviuosly being you) and i often wonder,if i acctually was john's reancarnation (like i hope i am) would you acknowlage me as so, and could you pick me out of a crowd. and if i am him, where the hell did my musicl abilities go?.. the art,i got but hey. i think i got jipped somewhere in the music makin department! oh well, i'm done ramblin on! and you're done listening to my endless jibber. so if you ever get around to reading this, send a little 'hello i did read your letter'e~mail my way! thanks yoko love alix
Feb 16, 1997
its alix again (vinylbaby5@aol.com) from the same
Comments: wow! geepers! i just went through and read all thoses nifty letters above mine(yes i admitt, i should have done that b~fore writing my 1st letter , but hey?) and all i have to say is "HEY STUPID HEADS! HERE IS A REALIZATION FOR YOU, YOKO IS JONH'S WIFE, AND IF YOU LOVE AND ACCEPT JOHN AND ALL HIS IDEAS SO MUCH, THINK 'HMMMMM.... JOHN LOVES YOKO,,!' SHE IS HIS IDEA, AND HIS LOVE AND SHE IS EVERY BIT AS GREAT AS HIM, AND IF YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH HER DECISIONS, TELL HER ABOUT THEM, YEA, BUT DON'T TELL ABOUT HOW MUCH SHE SUCKS FOR MAKING THEM, CAUSE, SHE DONT SUCK, THATS WHAT JOHN THINKS AND MAYBE YOU NEED TO THINK ABOUT THAT, EH?" so there it is, people can be so rude sometimes! oh well, you guys take care and be smart and such, and maybe we can have a spiffy chat sometime. alix. @~}~~
Feb 16, 1997
Gwen Peters from Seattle, Washington
Comments: Yoko, when will it end? John said you showed him the meaning of success. The only meaning you seem to know is Money, Money, Money. But this is not surprising considering your track record. First, you deny John first son, Julian, his rightful inheritence. You seem to think that Sean is the only son John had and the only one who deserves anything related to John. You even kept some of John's personal effects away from Julian - he had to BUY something at an auction that belonged to HIS OWN FATHER - and YOU got the money from that auction!! You push Sean to dress and look like John with the same glasses and to give up a promising college career to go into singing, just so you can mold "another John". How very unwise. You made it tough for the other three Beatles when they wanted a song of John's to use for the Anthology. And it was because of YOU that Michael Jackson got hold of the Beatles catalogue in the first place. Paul wanted to bid on it and YOU told him to wait, that you could get a better deal. Yeah, a better deal for yourself! You told Paul to wait and in that time Michael was able to bid and buy the songs, and since you still get money from John's songs, it's obvious that you made a deal with Michael before he bought the songs and you helped him to get the catalogue by roadblocking Paul's efforts. I see you want to put up an official Web site of your own for John - yeah so you can make more money off his name by exploitation. Well, I can tell you that any OFFICAL page YOU and YOUR LAWYERS set up, I WILL NOT ever click onto at all!! And as for your deal with Rykodisc, forget me buying any of those records. All those protests you and John did for Bobby Seal, Attica, the Bed-in, John Sinclair - now I see you were not sincere in them. If you were really for free speech and freedom of expression and opinion, you would not try to suppress Sam's webpage. You've become a part of the problem of society Yoko, no longer the cure. You've joined the world of bureaucracy! If what you're allowing your lawyers to do now was allowed to be done in the 70's, John would never have gotten his green card! You protested the laws that tried to get him out of the U.S., you even included a petition in one of your albums for fans to send in to the government. Yet, you are the one NOW who is trying to get rid of Sam's webpage in the same manner!!! How ironic, Yoko and how very sad. You've become a most cynical. hard woman, always in search of the almighty dollar. You love to make people walk on eggshells in dealing with you - you love making people jump at your word. This is the image I will now hold of you. Your appearances on Mad About You were phoney - you DO like to be in charge of everyone. As was said to you before in another's letter - NO ONE WOULD KNOW YOU YOU ARE IF IT WASN'T FOR JOHN. You hypotized him, but you won't us.
Feb 16, 1997
Marius H. Enerud (menerud@online.no) from Aas, 2056 Algarheim, NORWAY
Comments: John, the musician, the poet, the philosopher, the father, your husband.....He ment so much for all who had lived with him, who had heard his music,heard his speaches....He wanted to give the hole generation something. Something that frees us of all the weight and pain in life. He wanted to do that through his music. And that thing was a tiny little thing called love. He made us love eachother, the world, the nature.......He GAVE us something that we never will let go. But he was killed, at the age of 40..... We all though: Let us give him something back. In return. We owe him that much. We did so by listen to his music, continue to fight for freedom, for peace..... We all have the right to come near John as close as possible. The new generation, me included, LOVE his music. And some of us weren't even born yet, when he died! The people who try to shut down all informations and stuff about him. What sort of people is these guys? Well, they don't know nothing about who John was, and still are. To they, he is just a piece of history. If John had lived today......Well, I tell you, Yoko: He would have laughed of it......Laughed of it....
Feb 16, 1997
Stephanie from Toledo, OH USA
Comments: Dear Ms. Ono, I wasn't born until something like a year and nine months after John died, so I never got to see him in person, never got to hear him perform, or thousands of other things. I have been doing a large amount of research on him, and you as well, so I do have a great respect for you and your work (which many of his fans do not have). I really do not appreciate your wishing to close this webpage -- I have learned things from it and had a lot of fun. All we are saying is give peace a chance (And this webpage!) --SLZ
Feb 17, 1997
Kate from Ankara, Turkey
Comments: Yoko, if you only knew how sad you are making me and thousands of other John lovers.You just love money, don't you? I think that you're horrible.I hate you!
Feb 17, 1997
dayv (www.siggy.rehburg@xtra.co.nz) from New Zealand
Comments: Yoko I managed to pick up a copy of the two virgins album, and it was still wrapped in the original plastic cover, for a mere nzd$7-00. John has many fans, as you can see, all around the world. Don't deny his fans access to the Sam page. Get real, get generous, and get a life. Dayv (John Winston Lennon)Harris
Feb 18, 1997
Cortney Dice from Allison Park, PA, USA
Comments: Dear Yoko, I think the site should be opened up because I know lots of people who would come and see it. I think you should find out more stuff about this so you have a reason to open it up. I know I would find a way to come and see it if it was ever opened. I am still trying to get into "Acorns". Is there any copies of "Grapefruit out there any where? Because I would like to read it. I absolutly adore you and John. Well enough about that. I will try and find more out and if I do I will send it to you. I am sorry i couldn't give you e-mail adress because every time I typed it in they said it was wrong. Love, Cortney Dice (try this I am on AOL: PEACEJPGR) HOPEFULLY MY E-MAIL ADRESS! Sorry if it is wrong!
Feb 18, 1997
Heather Heslop
Comments: Dear Yoko, I have the utmost respect for you but if you EVER loved John Lennon the least you can do is let a web page enhance his memory to generations to come. Maybe you want to forget about John but that does not mean you can make us forget about him . Just IMAGINE a world without the memory of John Lennon IMAGINE a world where you dont here people hum the unforgettable and enchanting words of the work of art ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE . Just Imagine a world without John Is a world without you. Happy 64th birthday. And I may be only 13 but I know the meaning to the words love respect and eternal memory give my regards to Paul George and Ringo not that you ever see them.LOVE HEATHER LEILA HESLOP
Feb 19, 1997
Sarah Smith (CADBURY99@aol.com) from Los Angeles California
Comments: Dear Yoko, I am a great fan of John Lennon, not John the prisoner of his own succes or John the dead martyr but of John the person.I agree with many of his ideas of peace and love for making the world a better place. However whether you know it or not, your lawyers are trying to take one of the best john Lennon tributes of of the internet because of infringement on the rights to his name or some bull. Right now the bagism site is being kept from displaying any pictures, artwork, or other licensed material. Anyway I won't go on and on about it but it's a bit of a prob.I noticed that a few weeks ago you did an exhibit of your artwork in Los Angeles, I would like to know if and when you are going to do another exhibit.I know a lot of people laugh at your artwork and ideas but I don't understand why,your ideas are orignal, it's like art for the brain and not just for the eyes. Well gotta go now,I'm at school and am supposed to be doing my work. Bye for now Peace & luv Sarah Smith age 14
Feb 19, 1997
Jed Teres (jjt5@cornell.edu) from Ithaca, NY USA
Comments: Dear Yoko, I find it very disappointing and sad that Sam's pages have been shut down. Sam's site was a great place for people like me to find out more about the magnificient man who John Lennon was. I was only two years old when he was murdered, but because of places like Sam's, I was able to find out more about this man than I would have otherwise. His site was a place of peace, and was free to all, and it was someplace for people who admire John's work to gether and communicate. Don't take this away from us. John can only live as long as he is remembered, and he was remembered fondly here.
Feb 19, 1997
Comments: Dear Yoko, I'm pretty sure you think that since this is coming from a 14 year old girl that wasn't even alive when John died, that I won't have much to say. But I do. A lot more than some other people THINK they know. (Not talikng about anyone in particular.) When I was 12, I found a Beatles record in my grandmother's attic. I think it was "Something New" but that is besides the point. Well anyways, I started listening to it on an old record player we had at home. I was instantly fascinated. Nothing had ever had an effect on me like that before. My parents don't like me listening to Beatles or you&John, they said the sixties was a time that they would prefer not to relive. Now I have to listen to my music somewhere where they're not, like at my friends houses, JUST SO I CAN LISTEN TO MUSIC. Isn't that insane? I just want to listen to some music that I enjoy, is that a crime??? My friends all give me a hard time too I and I say "Wait. Just you wait until YOUR parents are sick of the Beatles and John, when you're in my same position. Then, I'll be laughing." Nobody understood me. Well some time passed, and my parents decided that we could get the Internet. One day I was snooping around, and I found this website called Bagism, one that was deticated to John. I had been to other ones, but this was the only one that actually sounded like he knew what he was talking about. I was totally amazed that I found people here who understood me!! So when I found it had been shut down, I was totally stiff. I really think that this was the best website around and that you should have visited it. Please, don't deprive other people from learning about you and John. Give these other people a chance! Peace, Sgt
Feb 19, 1997
Graham Puddephatt (puddephg@cgyec1.agw.bt.co.uk) from Mortimer, Berkshire, England
Comments: Dear Yoko, I thought of loads of great quotes and lines from songs etc.Is this stealing ideas to? I've been visiting sams site for a while and I've read all the letters too. I hope you do! So many people all round the world. a manifestation of Nutopia? Only people can change the world. DO IT! Thats It.
Feb 20, 1997
Mark Howard from Owensboro, Ky, U.S.A.
Comments: Dear Yoko, John Lennon is so cool. He is the best songwriter and I have the greatest respect for him and for you. So, please do everything in your power to bring him back to the internet.
Feb 20, 1997
Glenn from MI,USA
Comments: Dear Yoko, You are the most HEARTLESS person I have EVER seen! Mr.Chikouri was just trying to keep Lennon's spirit alive, and YOU have to ruin that! This is totally unfair,and it is not helping Lennon's fans either. I spit at you and you lawyers! GOOD DAY!
Feb 20, 1997
Sara Schmidt (SK-Schmidt@ecnet.net) from Alton, Illinois, U.S.A.
Comments: Dear Ms. Lennon, I understand your concern about keeping your husband's trademark. Over my years of being a fan of John Lennon, I have seen his name used too many times for bad things. I was happy when you made it a copyrighted name. As for Sam's web page, he is not making any money in the expensive of your husband. He is spreading the memory John to other Lennon fans all around the world. I am sure that you want your husbands memory to live on forever, and the internet is one of the best ways this can happen. Please, Mrs. Yoko Ono-Lennon, don't take away this web page. With lots of love, Sara...a dedicated Fan P.S. I saw the rerun of when you were on "Mad about you" the other night, and it was very funny! Good job!
Feb 21, 1997
Comments: You are a verdy napping woman. Why did you funk away Sam's loverly page? You should have visited for once in your napping life and then you would have known that he really knew what he was talking on the subject of John. You probably think this is a load of crap, but I'm serious OK????!!!! And so are all these other people who have napping written to you. So, you need to get out a little more, hun!! John was awesome, keep his spirit alive!! POWER TO THE NAPPING PEOPLE.
Feb 21, 1997
Mandy Knight
Comments: I don't think you should shut down this site. This is the only place that some people can learn about John Lennon. If your love for John is as strong as you say it is, then why don't you let him live on through this page and in the hearts of others? Imagine what your world would be like not knowing John, DON'T DEPRIVE OTHERS OF THIS PREVILEDGE!!! :}
Feb 21, 1997
Journey from USA
Comments: Dear Yoko, Hello. I was just wondering, did you ever take the time to check out the Lennon page? If you had, you would have realized that nothing was going against your late husband on it. Many things that were there, like pictures can no longer be accessable. please bring them back! peace.
Feb 21, 1997
Maria (mtanno@visionet.org) from Hillsborough, NC USA
Comments: Yoko, You had John in your life everyday. Please bring back the pictures and information that was on the old site, so other people can share John with you. John would have wanted that, atleast.
Feb 21, 1997
Suzanne Marie (carolp@fcs-net.com) from USA
Comments: Dear Yoko,Mrs Lennon, etc, Greetings. If you are reading this Letter ,I am a very lucky person. My name is Suzanne. I am a teenager that was fully introduced to your Dear late husband's music only a year and a half ago. Since then, I have become very fascinated with John's music as well as his story,not only his life as a Beatle,but as a person. Someone who actually cared about love and unity in a time of divided oppinions and war. It's a sad thing that John never got to see his and your dream of a united ,beautiful world. I feel that if people learn more about John's life and ideas,they may learn something good. There is a sight on the internet by a Mr Choukeri that talked of these things. It was shut down by some lawyerS and I'd like to see it to learn more about John's ideas that he was trying to spread. I am interested in what you and John had to say. Please give it some thought to bring back this special page. It may be one step forward in the quest for world peace. Thank you so much for resding my letter. I hope you take consideration. Good-bye for now.-Suzanne Marie
Feb 22, 1997
Jeff Landroche (landrock@nh.ultranet.com) from Berwick, ME 03901
Comments: Hi, Besides shelling out more money for Lennon/Ono product, what can we do for you? Love, Jeff
Feb 22, 1997
Bob Martin (uburoi@earthlink.net) from Fairport NY USA
Comments: Sadly, there are far too few things to remind us of John Lennon. Sam's site went the distance to provide us with tidbits that let us have a glimpse into John's life - all aspects of John's life. Since there was no money changing hands over this web page, what was the problem? I believe that the contents of this page should be copied by everyone that has a desire to keep this information out there, and put up anew as the cease and desist letters are sent to the last person to have had it up. A "chain page" so to speak. This will keep the lawyers jumping...
Feb 22, 1997
Comments: Hi yoko, you suck. listen you dirty old bag first you break up the beatles and now youre doing this. what have you against the world, the world who worshiped the ground your husband walked on. the beatles would of still been together if it wasn't for you.once again,YOU SUCK
Feb 22, 1997
Kyla from Harrisonburg VA USA
Comments: Dear Yoko, First I would like to apologize for all of the people who bashed you in the previous letters. I know I can't stop the way they feel towards you, but I will say that if John loved you, then you must be alright. But with this recent episode of your lawyers shutting down a place of peace and good will, kind of made me think twice. All Sam is trying to do is create a place where people of all races and colors can come together and learn about your husband. He was one of the pioneers of peace and that is all that Bagism is. Did your lawyers shut it down because it was something that you and John created. Or did you shut it down because you weren't getting any money off of it? Please try and understand that Bagism is a place that we can come to and help others in need and find harmony in a world full of chaos. Thank you. Kyla
Feb 23, 1997
Geoff Bartlett (Pepper@thezone.net) from Corner Brook, Newfoundland, Canada
Comments: Yoko my whole life has been devoted to John and you. I could only wish that I could meet him. I was born 3 years after Johns death and I only have my elders memories to remember him. The one thing he said many years ago touched my heart. "We must have hope, without it we'll sink" Good luck,and farewell P.S:Please write back.
Feb 23, 1997
lucy54321 from denver, co, USA
Comments: yoko we all love john, so by keeping this home page it will keep his spirit alive. John's spirit will live forever. You really don't need anymore more money besides money can't buy you love, and john wanted love. GIVE PEACE A CHANCE YOKO! WE all miss john and life just isn't fair . all my LOVE to JOHN, Kelly
Feb 23, 1997
Joy Edwards (jedwards@mem.net) from Memphis, Tn USA
Comments: John would have let the page stand as it was.
Feb 23, 1997
Stephanie Nank (snank@main.ursuline.edu) from Cleveland, OH, USA
Comments: Dear Yoko, I find it interesting that you have such an attachment to the copyrights and trademarks of John Lennon's estate. Particularly in light of the fact that you were so tired of being "Mrs. Lennon." It occurs to me that your boredom was sufficiently addressed with the assassination of Mr. Lennon. Now, however, seems to be the time that you are able to give generously to a public who gave generously to John's wealth and the ultimate stature of his estate. Please reconsider your stand on the web page you have crushed on behalf of an estate that has been so kind to you.
Feb 23, 1997
Sarah Nank (snank@main.ursuline.edu) from Cleveland, Ohio,USA
Comments: Yoko, As a musician and spiritualistic person I respect how you made John happy and how you helped him musically to grow. I know that everyone doesn't know how it really is to live with someone- that it's all not fun and games. But you did not love him as much as he loved you. I miss him so much and can sometimes feel him whistling to music as i play. I don't understand how you played him off like that. I love him. I can feel his pain of his childhood and how he felt when you screwed him over. How can you make love to someone that decorated your and John's house? I think it's time to let his ashes free. To be free. Do it for me, for John, for the fans. I'm not writing this out of anger, I'm writing this out of love. You have something wonderful. In my eyes John's not dead, hes just moved on to a more spiritual world. I try to learn all I can so i can maybe finish off what John didn't. It's time for the world to follow his footsteps. It's time for a spiritual revolution. I'll gladly be the one to start.Lets all COME TOGETHER over peace. We need not be angry at you for things that we are angry for at ourselves. HATE WILL NOT WIN. -love,peace,@-Sarah Nank-@
Feb 23, 1997
Alan Dratch (adratch@mindspring.com) from Decatur GA 30002
Comments: Please don't be like the King family. Like MLK, all of John's work should be spread everywhere for everyone to see. You should do everything to help people see his work, not discourage it. Since this site is not making money off of john, you should encourage this site.
Feb 23, 1997
Sanders from USA
Comments: Dear Yoko, I don't understand why you would want to shut down a place that was for your husband. Bagism is a great place for people to come together and learn about peace and John. Thanks. Sanders
Feb 23, 1997
Shawn Ryan (sbr6@dana.ucc.nau.edu) from Mesa, AZ. U.S.A.
Comments: Yoko, could you please tell me or Sam Choukri whether or not Peace of Mind is actually a John Lennon demo recording or not. Thank you.
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